
phpNetminder is a project that intends to offer a web interface using PHP, Perl, and MySQL for a set of network monitoring tools that run on Win32. The tools are Servers Alive, Kiwi Syslog and Kiwi CatTools. All of these are offered free of charge but are not OSS. Other tools that have been used are Snare, and DumpSec.

Basic functions will be administration, reporting, data consolidation. Servers Alive does not have a web administration interface and the one available(SAweb) is no longer under development and very limited in scope. Servers Alive offers a template driven web page generator and I will post any and all templates. These templates along with PHP provide a very rich reporting tool. The other tools are console driven so the focus there will be on web based reporting.

The project is running at my office but that was a one shot installation. I will offer files here as they are clean and stable enough to work in installation. It's all a little sparse right now but it will come together pretty quickly. Logo

Last Updated 04-22-2004